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PRMR Inc. Blogs

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8 Ways to Promote your Charity/Cause on a Zero Budget

As a public relations agency we are regularly contacted by charitable organizations that need help to raise funds or to promote their cause but are cash strapped having very limited funds to hire a communications professional. Most times the organizations have volunteers assigned to the role of public relations officer that lack the necessary skill set to do the job. If you find yourself in this position, here are eight strategies you can adopt, using both traditional and social media tactics, to help gain exposure for your cause.

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Five Important Public Relations Leadership Lessons

I had the privilege of participating in a crisis masterclass in February. The one-week “Rapid Response Communication in a New Age” course targeted undergraduates in public relations at the University of Florida, but department chair, Dr. Marcia DiStaso, invited graduate students to attend. I am not going to tell you about the class itself (it was awesome). Instead I will tell you about the five things I learned from Linda Rutherford, Southwest’s chief of communications who flew all the way from Dallas to conduct the one-day crisis simulation, that are important to be successful as a public relations practitioner.

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The New Writer

I was doing my daily dose of reading this morning of news, current affairs and general topics of interest when suddenly a realization hit me – how short all the stories that I was reading were and the fact that most of them were laid out in point form. Of course, me being a thinker, I immediately started musing of what had accounted for this and the word that kept on recurring was the Internet.  

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A Few Quick Tips To Optimizing Your Website

In April this year PRMR Inc. launched its new website to the world. In monitoring the web traffic we recognized that we were experiencing a decline in the number of visitors to the site. Also, when searching for public relations firms in Barbados our website was buried under page 4 or 5 in the Google search rankings.

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Business Owners Employee Challenges

On PRMR Inc.'s blog this week Mariama pointed readers to 101 tips for leaders and reading the post I could not help but think what tips are there not just for a manager, but also for a business owner especially in these harsh economic times. Being a public relations consultant who preaches employee engagement and creating a positive work environment, I am very cognizant about practicing what I preach as a business owner.

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Blogging Is For Everyone

"Blog" is a shortened version of the word "weblog". Information is stored online either for private viewing or open to the general public. A blog can often report diary-type commentaries and provide relevant links to articles on other websites. The articles follow the order in which they were updated to the blog site. Blogs address all the different phenomena that we face as a people. Blogging isn’t limited to a particular age group or profession. People blog about fashion, cars, politics, social issues and more…

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