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PRMR Inc. Blogs

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies for Maximum Impact

Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is related to the discretionary activities a company engages in that contributes positively to society. From the outset let’s make a distinction between CSR and philanthropy. Philanthropy involves gifts that are given occasionally by companies and wealthy individuals. CSR is more sustainable. Just as a company can be socially irresponsible, which takes many forms such as illegal dumping, discrimination due to sex or race, etc., it can also be socially responsible by paying fair wages, contributing to environmental protection, promoting health and wellness, and such like. 

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How To Promote Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

It is a myth that a company should not promote its sustainability initiatives.

If you equate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to altruistic giving, then perhaps promoting your actions would seem self-centered. However, if your Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives are strategic as well as enshrined in and support the organization’s objectives, then you would immediately understand the benefits of telling your company’s CSR story.

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