Is Your Company's Website Search Engine Optimised (SEO)?

So you have invested in a beautifully designed website and feeling really good that you have a professional looking online presence. But, do you know that there are about a billion websites on the World Wide Web, so is your company's website search engine optimised. Customers find your physical location because they know the company, are referred, or they research the address online or in the directory (which is now also online). Online customers, however, are most times searching without knowledge of a name or address. They just know what product or service they want locally or internationally.
So how can they find you first and not your competitor? - the answer, search engine optimization. When last did you do a search for the possible keywords that someone would use to find products or services in your industry? Go ahead, try a few, the results may surprise you.
Is your website search engine optimized? If your company was not on the first page of the search, then your website is not working for you. Having a fully optimized website is one of your best marketing investments. It does not sleep, nor take a break and is always available to sell your product or service.
The best way to keep your company’s website optimized is by updating the site regularly with content of value to visitors. Visitors return to websites that offer them something of value; it is at this repeat visitor stage that your website should be working further to capture leads that you could eventually turn into customers. There are also some tactics to use in preparing this content that would boost your website’s position.
At PRMR Public Relations Inc. we use inbound marketing techniques to optimise our website and those of our clients, however if you are not ready to try our services you can start to boost your site traffic by blogging. Check out our link below for tips to optimize your website.
Download our SEO Boost sheet via the button below to begin taking your company's website to the next level.