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News Releases

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PRMR Inc. Publishing

1962 Trailblazers Celebrated

In 1962 they returned home from Jamaica without notice despite some medal performances. However, on Monday, December 19, the surviving members of 1962 Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Games team were met with thunderous applause at the Barbados Olympic Association (BOA) Inc.’s Annual Awards Ceremony, for paving the way for modern-day athletes to represent Barbados regionally and internationally.

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Phyto-Innovation Challenge Launched to Unearth Hidden Secrets of Local Plants

A call is being issued for discoveries of compounds and innovations from Barbados’ plants. Export Barbados (BIDC)’s newest challenge in the “From Discovery to Global Sales” series, is encouraging local scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens to submit entries that explore the beneficial, therapeutic and medicinal properties of local plants.

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IABC seminar puts the spotlight on corporate writing

Corporate communication professionals will be given a close-up look at how to write for organizations when the Barbados Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) hosts its final professional development workshop this coming Thursday, October 27, titled “How to Write Like a Pro.”

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