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Perspectives (7)

Seldom Semicolon

As mundane as the topic of punctuation might seem, at some point in our lives we will have to write a piece of literature. As a result, we will need to understand the basics of punctuation and how best to use them. The semicolon is one of those forms of punctuation that most people try to avoid. This is usually because they don't know how and when it should be most appropriately used. The below blog will provide you with the three basic ways that semicolons are used. I encourage you (especially those of you in or thinking about working in the field of public relations) to embrace them on your journey to becoming a better writer.

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The Perils of Punctutation - The Comma Part II

The comma is one of the hardest working forms of punctuation. It does not matter the type of piece that is being written; whether press releases, scripts or speeches, commas are an integral part of written language. In part 2 of the series on the Perils of Punctuation, I invite you to review some more uses for the comma.


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Its Time to Break the Social Media Stigma

Public Relations practitioners and communicators in general took social media for granted for a long time but now these social communities are the best and biggest things since slice bread. Everyday I open my email there is another invitation to attend a conference, seminar, webinar etc. on some social media tool like this one today for example from Amy Jefferies, 
Communications Director
 PR News.

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Why NGOs in the Caribbean should embrace social media?

Having spent the better part of my Saturday developing my professional skills learning the intricacies of websites and networking; in one more week (if I pass the test) I will be a CIW (Certified Internet Web Professional) Site Development Associate. This means I will be competent in building basic websites.

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