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10 Vows For Success from The Greatest Salesman

One of my favourite pastimes is reading. I try to read a book a month. Not always possible but I think that this exercise is important not only as a source of entertainment, but also as a source of education and inspiration.A friend recently gave me a book that has become like a bible for me; The Greatest Salesman In the World Part II The End of the Story. In this little, easy to read but powerful book by Og Mandino, 10 beautiful scrolls are written that share instructions for success.

My thanks to you for reading our blogs and helping PRMR Inc to be ranked number one in the listing for public relations agencies in Barbados is to share these 10 vows for success with you.

  1. Never again will I pity or belittle myself.
  2. Never again will I greet the dawn without a map.
  3. Always will I bathe my days in the golden glow of enthusiasm.
  4. New again will I be disagreeable to a living soul.
  5. Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.
  6. Never again will I perform any task at less than my best.
  7. Always will I throw my whole self into the task at hand.
  8. Never again will I wait and hope for opportunity to embrace me.
  9. Always will I examine, each night, my deeds of the fading day.
  10. Always will I maintain contact, through prayer, with my creator.

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